It's the natural order of things. Man goes out to work, brings home the bacon, she stays out home, shops for groceries, does the laundry in the twin tubs, reads Peter and Jane stories to the children, bakes cakes and gets housekeeping money from him.
Maybe works two mornings a week book keeping for a local draper's shop.
This is what makes women happy. And yet they turn their back on it to seek careers! Women lawyers, women teachers, women bankers- they'll be having women politicians, and women writers next!
It's not natural. It didn't happen in the days of Queen Victoria. Or the reign of Good Queen Bess. Golden ages when women knew their place!
Where did it all go wrong? Well, we need to go back to the start.
Obviously, in the begining, woman was just a rib. A bone, dangling away in Adam's ribcage. Then Adam ran out of things to do so God turned the rib into Eve. Now, things were fine to begin with. Eve the rib picked fruit for Adam and fed the giraffes and the wilderbeast and was a good wive.
Then along came that Evil Marxist Feminist Gay serpent. A serpent, you see? A trouser snake. Eat the apple, he said. Of course, Eve ate the apple. And then she made Adam eat it and Adam turned into a big gay homo. God was so angry he threw them out of Eden. But he gave them good advice. Men were to do the work and women push out the babies. And serpents were just to slither around.
Things went from bad to worse. Because the slithery serpent was busy. Whilst Adam was tilling and Eve was pushing out babies and Cain was killing and Abel getting killed and Tubal Cain was being a craftsman and Nimrod a mighty hunter and Methusaleh living a long time and all that, the serpent was busy founding the Illuminati and inventing Marxism.
But women still knew their place. They carried water from wells and things and men bought them and sold them as possessions and Jacob worked for two of them as wages. They were all good. Except that Potiphar's wife. She was a feminist, you see.
It all went wrong with those Romans. And the Egyptians. All those women like Cleopatra and Messalina, strong powerful women, with strong libidos, seduced by the serpent.
But things went on. The rot was slow until recently. But then we had all these Illuminati feminist women; Mary Wollestanecroft, George Elliot, Marie Curie, things went from bad to worse as these women got ideas above themselves and left the kitchen to do men's work.
And then they got the vote. I mean what does a woman want with a vote? It's this pernicious idea that equality means women having the same rights. They don't need rights! They have men to look after them. Men to be their knights in shining armour.
It's this ridiculous idea that women are responsible for their own actions. Ultimately, think of the phrase 'Women and children first'. Women are never adults like men are, they are like children, to be protected.
What sort of man would refuse to be a knight in shining armour to a woman? What kind of man is content to go through his life without giving half his wage to a woman so she can enjoy the life a woman is meant to have, watching Neighbours and Home and Away all day. Why does a woman need a degree when she has the pleasures of Australian soaps to keep her occupied between the daily five minutes it takes in modern times to do housework and collecting the children from school? This idea there is no fulfillment in staying at home is a lie! Just ask any long term unemployed person. Whoops, sorry, I forget, I actually hate benefit scroungers. But they sponge off the state so that's different.
It's so sad all those poor women are forced into seeking equal power and achievement in a world their brains are too small to understand. We should seek to protect them and keep them safe. Isn't it a sad sight seeing a woman in trousers?
Want to see one on a bicycle?
What does all this cause? It causes the men to hate women. And it's the fault of these Lizard women like Caroline Flint who have lost their femininity thus causing men to see women as the enemy. It's because of these women so many men are gay.
Where, oh where are the real gentlemen these days? The men who are men enough to find a true, un-feminazified woman and pledge to be her knight in shining armour?
Men like me, I only hang round with REAL ladies. You won't catch me anywhere near any loud, gobby, opinionated, domineering women, oh no.
You won't catch any woman forcing ME into a pinny. Oh no.
Big hard manly man me.
I wore the trousers in both my marriages. All the time. Well, except when my wives were darning them. I knew my wives wanted to stay at home and be housewives. I always made all the decisions. That's why both my marriages worked. Well, till I got divorced. Twice. So you see, I know a lot about women. I've been really successful with them in my life. Over the last forty years I must have been to bed with oh, almost FIFTEEN of them!
I just wish the young women of today would stop being such slappers, stop drinking out of pint glasses, stop wearing trousers, stop getting tatoos and behaving like men. It doesn't earn them the respect of me, oh no. Not does dressing slutty and sleeping around. In fact, women who sleep around are victims. Misled by the poisonous feminists and cynical men who are corrupting them. Each time a woman has a new sexual partner her vagina gets more polluted and this pollution permanently enters her soul and stains it forever. Why aren't women taught this?
Because THEM want them all dirty and corrupt, sex slaves to the new gay Marxist ASBO feral youths who don't want to be husbands.
Give me a model woman of the old school any day! Seen and not heard, hourglass figure, nifty with a duster and knows nothing about boy's things like politics. A sweet, pure, sexually chaste woman who never says boo to a goose and knows her place.
Give me such a woman and I'll be her Knight in Shining Armour.
A nice quiet, polite, well spoken woman who would never swear in public and is a fine upstanding example of what a lady used to be in the days before feminism.
I'll not be a hypocrite and defend any woman who doesn't fit that bill!