Why should anyone be surprised by Alistair Darling resigning from the shadow cabinet to be replaced by Ed Balls?
In spite of all the evidence the general public just don't see the hidden message. Alistair the darling, (really a reincarnated Aleister Crowley) the darling of Satan is returning to 'his family', meaning he is returning to the Bilderburger groups secret Illuminati base hidden under an Antartcic ice plateau, to be re-programmed for the next phase in the global plan to secretly unleash an army of homosexuals into our primary school system to turn all children into homosexuals.
Ed Balls is code. Don't you see? By a secret rite of mind control, Ed Milliband was castrated in a Satanic Illuminati rite by Tony Blair and his testicles given to the Comte de Saint Germain, who for two thousand years has been behind the Templars, the Rosicrucians, the French Revolution, the Charleston, the Sex Pistols and Paris Hilton. As a sign of his new power, he took the name of 'Ed's Balls', the symbol of his ruling the Freemason's hidden army.
Why oh why can't people see? Women have no testicles. It's a proven fact. They don't. Why won't you believe me? Not only that, they can't piss standing up. This is because they only stand up when hoovering, washing up or cooking. They sit down to piss, because then they can sew whilst on the toilet. But they don't piss standing up like men do because men go out to work which is why this piss standing up.
Why can't the feminists accept this? Women have no testicles because they get in the way of dusting whereas men need kahunas to give them ballast in board meetings and playing rugby.
And these gays. Can't you see it's not normal? They're not really attracted to men, no one can be. I should know. I'm a man and I'm not attracted to men. Can't you see the hidden agenda? Sex up the bum. By men. Can't you see it?
This is the secret agenda behind Islam and the Kabbalah and Madam Blavatsky. Botty sex. The purpose? Because the bum is the portal to Hell. Putting your penis in a bumhole is communing with Satan.
But the truth is out there. It's all here.This Cameron-Clegg coalition with it's cuts is just a ruse to destroy families so the liberal Greenpeace agenda can create fears of global warming and then people will be misled into seeing the EU as the solution, not realising that this was part of the agenda set by Charlemagne, an Illuminati high priest in league with the Pope and the real aim is simple; botty sex.
And then Ed Milliband will come as the New Messiah whilst Ed of the Balls controls him by voodoo and re-establishes the Roman Empire, using Feminists and the Gays and the Muslims to enslave us all and force us all to have botty sex whilst Tony Blair is crowned with the diadem of the scarlet whore of Babylon and becomes Pope. It's all here. And here.
And has anyone read the Guardian? They hide the fact they used to be the Manchester Guardian, as in Man Chester, as in, they want to cut off men's chesters and force us all to have botty sex.
Read this piece. Can you not see the hidden Satanic Illuminati messages?
What people need to know is right now, the Coven of Thirteen, the thirteen witches pledged to serve the coming Antichrist are engaged in ancient rites to conquer the world with pornography and make women supreme over men and make men have bum sex.
I know who these thirteen are. They are Germaine Greer, Polly Toynbee, Caroline Flint, Paris Hilton, Hilary Clinton, Segolene Royale, Ms Smack, Julia Gillard, Beyonce, Jane Fonda, Cheryl Cole, Lady Gaga and the Christmas Tree Fairy.
I know who these thirteen are. They are Germaine Greer, Polly Toynbee, Caroline Flint, Paris Hilton, Hilary Clinton, Segolene Royale, Ms Smack, Julia Gillard, Beyonce, Jane Fonda, Cheryl Cole, Lady Gaga and the Christmas Tree Fairy.
All the evidence is there. It's all just a plot to get women to enjoy sex. Only men are meant to enjoy sex. Unless of course, it's botty sex.
And have you seen this latest film? Love and other Drugs? Can't you see? It's all propaganda from the left. And Anne Hathaway. She takes her name from Shakespeare's wife, Shakespeare whose plays were Rosicrucian propaganda written by Christopher Marlowe, a hidden master of the Illuminati. Shakespeare is an anglicisation of 'Shaka Spiro' an ancient hebrew name for botty sex. Queen Elizabeth wasn't even a woman, she was a man in a dress who liked botty sex.
But at least she was human. The last human king was James II. The Glorious Revolution wasn't glorious, because that's when the Lizard Kings gained the throne and set up the CFR and began turning the proud yeoman and buxom ladies of Marry Old England into gays and feminists.
All as planned over two thousand years ago by Alexander the Great, the prophet of botty sex in league with Aristotle, the founder of the Illuminati and the Bilderburg Group.
The evidence is overwhelming and yet these politically correct Greenpeace feminist liberal agents of Common Purpose brainwash people with sex and drugs and no one can see the truth.
Except me.
So when you go to Macdonalds next and they say 'Would you like that Medium or Large, sir?' have a think about what is being said here. Think about the hidden agenda behind what is being implied. Why do you think they don't serve mayonnaise in Macdonalds any more? They want you to opt for MEDIUM as in, get in touch with Mediums and use Ouja boards to commune with the Coven of Thirteen and Ed Balls to become part of the gay feminist army or, go LARGE which is Illuminati code for taking part in an Illuminati sex orgy by midnight where goats and children are sacrificed to Baphomet.
And that is the real reason Alistair Darling has left the cabinet of shadows to be replaced by Ed Balls.
Why remove my comment giving you credit for this blog Crushed? Don'\t want to look like the stalker that you are?
ReplyDeleteOh Ubermouth, my beloved! I'm so happy to see you.
ReplyDeleteShh! Better not mention stalking because after all, you're a stalker and I'm supposed to be your knight in shining armour.
We don't want people to know you stalk mails like this;
'Joe- please call me. NO I didnt try to fuck wiht your head. WE will have a cigarette togetehr and then you will understand. I really am NOT a manipulator or a liar.
You know I am a quick talker, quick thinker, my mind goes 100 miles aminute so although I react quickly I dont always react well if upset. Taht is the truth and no guy has ever upset me like you- cuz I never felt about anyone as I did you. You lead me to believe the same so naturally I am very upset.
You do not understand heart break or women's emotions because you fuck off when your behaviour makes them angry...this is not evil Joe. This is heartbreak.There is a huge difference. CALL ME NOW I HAVE TO TALK TO YOU.
Too busy chatting to soemone to bother to answer?
Right! NIce comment at bunnys too
Go read my reply
YOU are a lair and manipulator!!! HOw dare you fuck me about as you do watse 5 mths of my time and then not even call me Who do you think you are?
Right. You are certainly not blogging at this time. Sonew net lover Joe/
Is that why you are afraid of my postin g ab t us?
mailscoming up
So honesty check who are you iming? You prick its all about you isnt it?
You havent had a letter in years?
Not whaqt I recall
You cocksuckler
What I have put YOU through? Gte fucki ng rela
Cathy has your mobile BUT NOT me! Whilst w you continued to call em every nigth number hidden> You beggedn me to amrry you and then lied to peopl like I was a nuter! You stompd all over my soul
I am no longer mailing you
fuck you
you eitehr cvall me or take your chances when you leave a woman feleing as you doi
NOt doping the email thing anymore> YOU call me or not. I will deal approriately
You tr4at me like a stalker
LIke someone who was never anything to you lie you had NOT fucked me oevr for 5 mths
I'm trying to keep all this quiet, Ubermouth. I don't want people to know about you being a stalker any more than you do so I don't want people seeing mails like that because, after all, I've been going round pretending you never sent mails like that.
Anyway, my dearest darling Ubermouth, I was hoping you might be around later so we can have cybersex. I'll be in IM later, just for you!
Oh, and I just wrote a post just for you!
You know, you being the perfect model of everthing a submissive wife should be in the days before the feminazis took over.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWell, it's not like you fabricate' evidence' like this blog and the faux fight at your deader than dead blog is it Crushed?
ReplyDeleteCrushed...enough of this nonsense. Are you not embarrassed by your own behavior? What you are doing is wrong. Please stop.
Sweet Cheeks- :) You forget, I'm not actually going round LIEING about anyone, like Hartley did about me.
ReplyDeleteHartley actually DOES hold the sort of views this blog is lampooning him for. He really IS this much of a dickhead.
You'll notice he has Ubermouth trolling on his behalf because he lacks the bolocks to do it.
Look at the nerve of the woman. even in a comments section where evidence of her being a psychopathic stalker has been PUBLISHED and any sane person can see WHY she should have served a prison sentence, the stupid tart STILL comments, just emphasising her psychotic nature;
'You do not understand heart break or women's emotions because you fuck off when your behaviour makes them angry...this is not evil Joe. This is heartbreak.There is a huge difference. CALL ME NOW I HAVE TO TALK TO YOU.'
Quad Erat Demonstrandum.
Look at her mails, Sweet Cheeks. And her is the basis of her lies;
'Taht is the truth and no guy has ever upset me like you- cuz I never felt about anyone as I did you. You lead me to believe the same so naturally I am very upset.'
And naturally, I felt very sorry for her but still; Evil is Evil.
All this has been about principles, Sweet Cheeks.
Tom Paine said of the French Revolution 'How much the greatest thing to have happened in the world, and how much the best!'
Maybe, but I think a greater and better happened and an even greater and better WILL happen.
No, not 1917. 1966. Summer of Love.
As a TRUE Marxist, I believe the 1960s and the Universal Consciousness that was unleashed then was the BEST THING that ever happened.
INGSOC tells us that the 60s Hippy vision can't work. It's a lie. Free Love, Communes, Make Love Not War, Flower Power, it's REAL. It's world changing.
The Summer of Love was the start of the enlightenment. But INGSOC has struck back and we must fight. The Revolution, Sweet Cheeks, isn't about 1917, it's about 1966 and the Summer of Love.
Hartley is an INGSOC stooge. The crap he peddles is just that- crap- but it supports INGSOC values. INGSOC means bourgeois Capitalist values. Marriage. Family. Patriotism. The Queen.
He doesn't agree with me that the Summer of Love is the greatest thing that ever happened. Why? Who cares? It means he's a dick, that's all we need to know.
Sweet Cheeks, the guy spread lies about me. Ruined my life. All I'm doing is taking the piss out of the moronic, feeble minded opinions the little runt ACTUALLY holds.
ReplyDeleteIf he's embarassed by the feeble minded nature of his viewpoints, perhaps he should grow up and stop being such a nasty bigot. Or at least stop cyberbullying those who actually HAVE decent opinions and actually want to make the world a better place.
As for Ubermouth the Stalker. It's simple, she's too nasty a human being to ever understand Free Love.
Carly couldn't LIVE the Ideals of Revolution- Make Love not War- by which I live my life, because she's too Evil to learn them.
Hartley doesn't WANT people to learn them.
Hence their Evil pact.
Yeah, you might say this is wrong, but when I tried to tell people James Higham was a nasty backstabbing cyberbully allied with a psychotic stalker, no one wanted to know and MY life ended up getting ruined, even though I was telling the truth.
Pointing out that Jeremy Hartley is a complete dick is easier; you think these posts are random? No, they’re HIS posts, hammed up. HIS views, slightly caricatured.
I’m just emphasising the point. Since every opinion Jeremy Hartley has on everything is the opinion of a bigoted dickhead, it stands to reason Jeremy Hartley’s opinion of ME is also the opinion of a bigoted dickhead and people should take everything the deluded fantasist says with a pinch of salt because he has issues distinguishing between the reality outside his head and the conspiracy fantasies within it.
I don’t really have much choice, Sweet Cheeks. This guy set out to ruin my life’s work. The only way I can regain my life and start afresh with my life’s work is to show the world the REAL Jeremy Hartley.
I DO feel sorry for him in a way, Sweet Cheeks. Because he is so VERY, VERY, sad and tragic. SUCH a Mr Bean. And his phoney blog image is all he has. Pretending to be James Bond. But his blog is useless to humanity, it is the feeble witterings of a third rate mind laden down with sexual hang ups and a failed life.
If I don’t expose him, the lies he told will still carry weight with some people, because they believe IN him, think he’d never lie. Think he doesn’t make mistakes. Only be pointing out his whole LIFE is a lie and ALL his opinions are mistakes can I discredit him.
Wrong? Serious things are at stake here, Sweet Cheeks. This guy set out to destroy my blog and my online reputation, Sweet Cheeks. There can’t be any quarter given; it’s him or me. And I know what he’s like.
ReplyDeleteIf I want my blog to ever be BIGGER than it was in 2007, to REALLY achieve something with my life, I’m going to have to take this fucker out, otherwise he’ll be up to his mischief every step of the way. Kill this little shit, Ubermouth goes down with him.
So when he’s down, I’m not going to stop kicking the fucker until he’s well and truly dead. Only way I’m ever going to achieve anything with my life.
From 2007 onwards, this twat Hartley, allied with Ubermouth, spent their lives trying to destroy my blog. Every effort I made to raise the profile of my blog, to win readers, to sell my message, they were there in every comments section, her stalking, him cyberbullying.
Every online connection I made, they worked to destroy it. Any praise I got, they were there throwing mud. They had no intention of stopping until they had destroyed any possibility of my achieving my ambitions; to turn Crushed by Ingsoc into an online movement.
For me to turn that dream into a reality- and I believe I have the talent and the ability to do it- I can’t afford to show mercy to him. Do you think he’d show me mercy? When I was at my most vulnerable, he was in there with his knife.
Political reality is even if I wanted to show him mercy, I couldn’t. This isn’t an instance where one can afford to be kind.
It’s like with Ubermouth; she thought her ‘feelings’ and her ‘broken heart’ were important; no, being a decent human being was what was important. The cause of Peace and Love, Make Love not War was what was important. She got heartbroken only because she WANTED what she should not have wanted.
I never wanted war, I simply wanted to get on with my job; selling human decency, selling decent values, selling the TRUTH that INGSOC lies; a world built on Hippy values is possible and any decent human being, when they know it is possible, should live their lives striving for it. End of.
Hartley has put himself in the position, by his aggressive actions against TRUTH AND DECENCY of putting me in the position whereby to do my duty to humanity, I have to fuck his life up. The way he would have avoided that, was by not making it his mission to destroy my blog. My blog could have gone from strength to strength WITHOUT his life getting fucked over, but he chose otherwise. He left me no choice.
With Ubermouth any pity I MIGHT have felt for when she blubbered down the phone about her broken heart and whinged about her ‘feelings’ was simply dissipated merely by remembering her nasty e-mails to Phish and Ms Smack and simply by looking at how gobby and strident she gets in comments sections and by remembering how many, many times I’d slammed the phone down on her and it hadn’t stopped her ringing. Yes, when she cried the temptation was to pity her.
But then the thought would come into my head ‘Yeah, but she should have thought about all this when you were sounding your big gob off. Any pain you feel is thoroughly deserved. Because you won’t stop fighting people’.
Same with Higham. There is the temptation to pity him and the certain knowledge that perhaps this isn’t very NICE.
Then I just remember; Hartley/Higham ISN’T a NICE man. Far from it. And I remember all the nasty things he’s done and then I look at all the very nasty points of view he champions on his blog and I find myself saying;
Be careful, Crushed. You may be crossing the line of Libel. I don't believe you can misrepresent yourself (in a published format - ie: blog) and make character defamation statements about a person you really aren't.
ReplyDeleteThink about it this way...if some man were to stand on a street corner and yell at every passer by "Hey! My name is Crushed and I am a thieving liar!"...you'd sue him. That's slander. He'd be claiming to be you and defaming your character - and even if you were thieving liar...someone else can't PRETEND to be you, and say it about you in a character defaming manner.
The same holds true with the written word. Because you are speaking from the first person point of view on this blog - you are representing yourself as him, and you have admitted altering things James said. This means they are no longer his words, but YOUR words.
I advise you to consult an attorney. Someone could press charges against you for this.
Please listen.
When a person is wronged - one needs to go through the proper LEGAL channels to resolve the issue. After that, if the justice system can't satisfy you, you should remove yourself fully from the situation and get some therapy to help deal with it.
Honestly, you must come to terms with this and not let your hatred influence you to break the law.
Sweet Cheeks- Where was the justice system when Ubermouth was stalking me?
ReplyDeleteWhere was the justice system when she kept ringing me and ringing me and ringing me and i had to snash my own phone into pieces to stop her calling?
Where was the justice system when I came home every night to find mail after mail after mail from her in my in box?
Where was the justice system when Ubermouth was ringing my (late) grandmother in an old people's home , telling MY grandmother that she was 'a girlfrriend of mine and we were going to spend our lives togather'?
Where was the justice system when Ubermouth was stalking me in comments sections?
Where was the justice system when Higham was LIEING about me in and BULLYING me on his blog, in Blogpower forums and by e-mail?
Where was the justice system when Jeremy Hartley libellously alleged on his blog I forced an exlover to commit suicide?
Where was the justice system when Jeremy Hartley was falsely accusing me of founding a Satanic cult?
I reported Ubermouth to the Police and they investigated fully and the conclusion they came to was that whilst her e-mails were a criminal offence, I should have pressed charges WHEN she sent them (which HARTLEY, being a conniving sneak talked me out of saying HE'D deal with it!). The Police told me they couldn't prosecute her for attempting to comment on my blog, or her online behaviour.
What she's done to me doesn't even come close to what she did to Chrystal and yet this vile monster STILL roams free.
Do you know why? The Law, Sweet Cheeks. The Law is powerless to deal with internet stalkers. Ubermouth and Hartley crawl through the loopholes.
Sweet Cheeks, Hartley isn't someone you can reason with. I've tried. He's a very nasty guy. Sad and tragic, yes, but nasty in the way little shits who were bullied at school often are.
Actually, there’s not a lot the nasty little fucker can do; it’s kind of poetic justice. After all, he encouraged Carly/Ubermouth to publish my real name and address online. Libel laws don’t cover satire, otherwise Tina Fey wouldn’t have been able to impersonate Sarah Palin, Rory Bremner couldn’t impersonate Tony Blair, etc, etc.
What I’m doing is satirising a sad little twat called Jeremy Hartley who goes by the online name of James Higham. This leaves Jeremy Hartley available for use online. No one thinks Jeremy Hartley IS actually James Higham. No court in the land is going to accept the proposition I actually intend people to think this site is actually run by HIM. They will see that it’s intent is to embarrass him. And there’s no law against that.
ReplyDeleteBut apparently, he’s alleging I know his real address and have published that online. Whilst he would certainly deserve that, I haven’t because well, that would spoil the fun. Apparently he’s shitting himself now and is scared to go out in case he gets beaten up.
This could happen, I have no doubt. He’s probably realising now just what a dick he is and how many people really REALLY hate the guy. And there probably are GENUINELY a lot of folk out there who, if they had READ Nourishing Obscurity and knew he lived down the road from them, WOULD give him a good kicking.
He’s actually quite scared of that now, I think. People reading his blog, finding out who he is, and giving him a damn good thrashing for being a racist, sexist, homophobic little cunt. GOOD. I hope he’s shitting his pants. Maybe it might make the little shit wake up, smell the coffee and realise what a complete shit he is.
Thing is, I don’t know where he lives, or care, and whilst I wouldn’t lift to finger to rescue him if I walked by and saw a gang of thugs kicking him to pieces, I’m not traipsing all the way up to bloody Cheshire just to give a good hiding to a sad little tosser. Let the good people of Runcorn or wherever it is he lives paste him. Tar and feather him and tie him to a lamp post.
At the end of the day, all I wanted to do was blog without being harassed. I wanted to be able to blog without being frightened of being a) phoned or mailed by Carly b) bullied online by Higham/Hartley.
This is serious stuff, Sweet Cheeks. The fact is, what he did was declare war against me online and engage in serious manoeuvres to cause damage to my blog and prevent it from advancing by engaging in tactics designed to cost my readers. And he used a campaign of lies and deceit to do it.
And why? Because he doesn’t like my attitude to sex, women and relationships. That’s it. He actually thinks that justifies what he’s done.
He’s never had to face the consequences of his actions. Well, now he is. Because this isn’t a game. Blogging isn’t a game. Life isn’t a game. And he chose to play games with the wrong person, because bottom line is- there’s no quarter on offer now.
He’s not going to get any chances to make any peace deals, reconciliations or anything of the sort. He had the chance, many times, to print a public apology. Many chances to recant his lies. Many chances to just let it go, even. To move on. To co-exist on the blogosphere.
No, he wanted to- in his own words- ‘drum me from the blogosphere’. Why? Because privately, I like inter-racial sex. Or rather, watching women do it. THAT’S the issue.
So we can’t co-exist, can we? Well, if we can’t co-exist on the blogosphere, I don’t really have much choice other than to use every means that I legally can get away with, without showing mercy or compassion, without staying my hand through pity, to use every opportunity I have not just to harm him online, but to ensure that his OFFLINE existence is so tormented, he CAN’T blog and the fucker eventually goes off the rails and HIS life falls apart. Which is what he did to me.
ReplyDeleteTHAT’S how far he was prepared to go to drive me offline, Sweet Cheeks. So I don’t really have much choice but to meet his actions with the same ferocity. It’s purely defensive. I’m defending my blog and my life’s work against a rabid psychopath and I don’t have a choice.
To DEFEND Crushed by Ingsoc from Jeremy Hartley, I need to be remember that this is War. War isn’t nice, Sweet Cheeks. It isn’t.
What options do I have? The only way to peace is to end the war and the only way to end it is to win it, in this case. And that victory isn’t just online. I have to completely destroy the credibility of the man behind James Higham.
Which, when you see what lies behind him is, is easy to do. It’s not nice to have to do. It isn’t. But wars are horrid things.
But I have to put Crushed by Ingsoc first. I have to put the future of my blog over all other considerations. Nothing else- REALLY- matters.
Crushed,not only are your mails as fraudulent as this blog, and your fuax fight with him on yours, you are the actual stalker who has mailed us both for nearly four years with your crap and libeled us for that long in your posts. No one stalked you, harassed you or destroyed your blog. Your nasty nature showed through when you contradicted one lie with another as you attempted to bully us off Blogger. It simply backfired.
ReplyDeleteYour lying, thuggish bully boy ways were evident for all to see, and the real stalker is someone who constantly writes about someone for years, mails them unsolicited forever and harasses all their friends in wicked campaigns.
You need help!
No Carly.
ReplyDeleteLies isn't something I do.
I solemnly swear by the Virgin Mary that every word I ever written publically about both you AND Jeremy Hartley is true.
Both you and Jeremy are welcome to sue me.
Please do.
I will simply ask- so you can answer publically...
Do you deny that both you and Jeremy Hartley conspired together in 2007 to ensure my blog did not become successful and respected?
Do you deny that an attempt was made by the pair of you to ensure my blog was discredited and crippled by your actions?
Did EITHER of you ever attempt to privately or publically contact readers of mine in an effort to prevent them reading my blog?
Was an attempt made by the pair of you to discredit me online in 2007?
Since the questions are simple ones, monosyllabic answers will suffice.
Oh and Carly?
ReplyDeleteI DO feel sorry for you, I do. You WERE exploited by a man online, a man who uses his blog as a cover for sinister agendas. A man with dubious sexual proclivities that would disgust most normal people.
In fact- from what I hear, you were used by two members of the same fraternity of 'Dirty Old men using the internet to pull women twenty years younger' but in different ways.
Wake up and smell the coffee, Carly.
You were used by Hartley for political reasons and he persuaded your mate Dave to keep porking your fat arse for as long as you were useful to him.
And now he's discarded you because you're no use to them any more. Gone back to younger women again. That's what they like, you see? Women they think they can keep in their place. You were just a tame troll they used to set upon their enemies.
You say you don't care about politics?
No. But they do. To them, you're just a useful idiot, Carly.
Google English Defence League, Carly. That's what your beloved Jeremy Hartley is into. That's the sort of thing his Albion Alliance is all about.
It's a front to build a coalition of parties to the right of the Tories. And one which uses intimidation and social division to achieve power.
You don't understand these guys, Carly. You've been their tool. They are using the internet to co-ordinate far-right activity.
You think I'm making it up? Heavens to Murgatroyd, girl.
Stop being a fucking blog troll and actually read the lunatic ramblings on his blog!
And have a little think about how you've been played here.
Come on, think about it. Jeremy. Dave. You. Jeremy. Dave. You.
I can see it, Carly. And I can see why. Your last mails were a real illumination.
You're almost a brainwashed cult inductee. Ironic, really.
Only it's kind of all falling apart now, isn't it?
You're getting all anxious because even in your crazy world, slowly the penny is begining to drop.
Isn't it?